대한피부과학회 서울지부회 제331차 집담회 우수연제상 “A case of generalized xanthoma with systemic involvement”
제 24차 대한미용피부외과학회 최우수상(구연) “Analysis of influencing factors for facial scar treatment”
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대한피부과학회 추계학회 발표 “Mutations in acral melanoma identified by whole exome sequencing”
A case of generalized xanthogranuloma with systemic involvement. JAAD Case Rep 2019 Nov 25;5(12)
Repigmentation of Eyebrow Leukotrichia in Segmental Vitiligo Treated with Suction Blister Epidermal Grafting Following Hair Plucking. Ann Dermatol 2019 V.31 (6)
A case of Cutaneous Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis Associated with Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor: An Unusual Presentation. Ann Dermatol 2020 V.32(2)
Novel Mutations Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing in Acral Melanoma. J Am Acad Dermato l. 2020 Dec;83(6)
Cutaneous adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors in a single tertiary center. J Dermatol2021 Jul;48(7)
흑색종 환자에서 면역관문억제제(immune checkpoint inhibitor)의 효과에 대해 피부과적 부작용 및 영향을 미치는 인자들에 관한 분석: 단일 기관 후향적 연구. 대한피부과학회지 2021;59(4)
Effects of particulate matter on healthy skin: A comparative study between high- and low-particulate matter periods. Ann Dermatol. 2021 Jun; 33(3)
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